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Good morning 5RT The last day of term
17 Jul 2020
Good morning 6RT!!!!
What a year it has been! When I look back it is incredible to think about how much we have done this year. Especially baring in mind we have been at home for half of it! Discussing our memories this week made me even more proud. I don't want you to forget all that you did and achieved before we had to learn from home. I also want you to be very proud of what you achieved from home. You are all motivated, talented and special children. Teaching you has been a joy and a pleasure. I can't wait to continue!
We'd like to thank the parents and carers for your messages and gifts. You have been very kind and generous. You have also been so supportive throughout the year - both at school and at home and we appreciate that greatly. It has been wonderful to see the children continue to learn and we thank you for guiding them through this different time.
So now it is time for a summer break! We wish you all a lovely summer. Rest, play, smile and
inspire. I can't wait to see you all again in September for what will be a year even more memorable than this.
See you soon.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant