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Good morning 5RT - Wednesday 15th July
15 Jul 2020
Good morning 5RT,
It was lovely to see so many of you at school yesterday and talk about the opportunities that we will have together in Year 6. It was very exciting to discuss what we have to look forward to in September. Can you remember the theme that we will al be focusing on next year? Write the word and one example of how you are going to achieve this in the comments below.
Today will be our final meeting. It will be a chance to talk about our favourite times and memories from Year 5. It also gives us an opportunity to say goodbye to Olivia who is moving to a new school in September. So please join us if you can.
It is at 1130am today.
Meeting ID - 876 319 3789
Password - tromans
Unfortunately Mrs Grant can't join us as she is in school today but she has left you a video message so please watch it.
Have a lovely day,
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant