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Good morning 5RT - Friday 10th July
09 Jul 2020
Good morning 5RT,
Some of those puns are so bad they are good!!! :-)
I hope you have had a great week. It is the weekend and we approach our final week as Year 5's!!!
I will be sending an email out later to remind you about the day and times of out transition lesson next week. Remember we are meeting on Tuesday. Bubble A in the morning from 945-12 and Bubble B from 1-315pm. Please refer to the email for further information.
Here is another cricket challenge focusing on fielding.
-Fielding Challenges.pptx-
We will have a final Zoom meeting on Wednesday too so it would be great for as many of you to join as possible and discuss your favourite memories of the year. I will confirm the time next week as it may need to be earlier than usual.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and I can't wait to see those coming into school on Tuesday.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant