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Good morning 5RT - Friday 19th June
18 Jun 2020
Good morning 5RT,
It's the end of another week! Can you believe how quick this year has gone! It has been a strange one but a brilliant one too. I loved teaching you earlier in the year and I miss you all but am also very proud of your efforts at home. Keep it up. You will soon be in year 6 and as I have always said, you will be a fantastic Year 6 group. Keep making yourself and others proud and challenge yourself at all times.
As this week comes to a close I have been busy thinking about a way to make Sports Day happen...and it will start on Monday! I know you would have loved Sports Day (which would have been yesterday and so would have been cancelled due to the pouring rain) so be sure to check the website on Monday morning for information about how to compete. There is information already on the website if you want to prepare yourself.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to see what you get up to next week.
Take care.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant