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Good morning 5RT
22 Apr 2020

Good morning everyone,
And linking nicely to the pun - Happy Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
If you are interested, go to this website where I believe there will be lots to see and do.
You may also find some practical ideas on this website.
Or you could make a poster for the day or draw a lovely picture of our earth and what it means to you.
If you haven’t seen yet, Mrs Nairne and Miss Addai have given you all a dance challenge so make sure you have a go if you want to. It was sent on the 15
th April and can be found in the News section of the website. It is titled Challenge Time. Go on. Have a go. Make our class proud.
There is also an opportunity to produce a poster for Mrs Nairne’s office if you would like to do that as well.
And ANOTHER challenge is one that Mrs Grant has thought of for you. Can you list a dance or dance move beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Apparently there is one even for X. Good luck!
Finally, I’d like to point you in the direction of some excellent activities and ideas that you may like to try:
The Daily Mile
https://thedailymile.co.uk/at-home/ There are loads of fun challenges to do at home and stay fit.
https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities There are a huge amount of activities and fun games to play at home. Some are Disney inspired too! Enjoy.
Ok, I think that is enough for one day. Remember these are all ideas to keep you busy and having fun while still learning and practising. Do the things that work well for you and help you to do all of these things. You can come back and try something new at any time. You do not need to do all of them on the same day.
Hope you have another great day and let me know if you try any of these new activities, do a dance, make a poster, do an Earth Day activity, do some physical challenges or anything else that you’d like to share.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant