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Good morning 5RT
03 Apr 2020
Good morning 5RT,
Wow! Can you believe it is the final day of term. It has of course been quite a strange term but also a very busy one with loads of great days and as always, lots of fantastic learning in the classroom. It all started on the first day, with our trip to the Planetarium. We then had:
The Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Active Workshop
Day 1 of the Storyteller
Young Voices
School Disco
Shaking up Shakespeare performances (you'll be next)
World Book Day
Science Week
Wheels to School
Mad Science Workshop (remember Isabel's, Jonas's and Aleena's hair)
Loughton Astronomical Society Workshop
Story Teller Day 2
Sports Relief
We've also had some sports competitions, PE at Highams Park, lots of clubs, read lots of books and learnt so much. From Forces to Vikings and Anglo Saxons, Beowulf to more poetry, Gymnastic routines to thoughtful discussions and topical conversation. We have all had a wonderful term and love learning with you.
What was your favourite moment or day of the term? Explain below in the comment section.
I have been so proud of the work you have done all year but especially during these strange times. It is a pleasure to see how you continue to learn and try your best. It is very important that you continue practising your skills but also that you use your time wisely while you are at home.
We will not be putting daily lessons during the Easter Holidays but do not forget there are plenty of recommendations for websites and ideas to keep you busy if you need them. You can also go back to any lessons that you missed or want to practise again. Keep busy and feel free to share anything during the time if you wish. You can send things to the school e-mail address or I have opened up the submit section here so you could send one piece during the holidays if you wished on here. If we are still at home on the first day back of the Summer Term, the lessons will appear here again as they have been for the past two weeks.
I will continue to read a chapter of our story during the Easter Break as I think it will be a shame to pause for two whole weeks. Especially for those who have been following it every day. I will attempt to do this as often as possible but it may not be every day. Keep an eye out for it and I will send a notification.
Finally, we'd like to wish everyone a lovely Easter break. Help each other out, be kind and be proud of how you use your time at home.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant oh, one....or two more things.....