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Good morning 5RT
02 Apr 2020
Good morning everyone,
Can you believe we are nearly at the end of the Spring Term. Tomorrow is the final day of term! You have all been superstars for the whole year and I have been so proud of the way that you have continued learning from home in this way.
Has anyone done Drawing with Rob? We did it again at school yesterday. Send any pics below of your own efforts. As I mentioned before, I have never been very good at drawing but he makes it really easy to follow and you finish with pictures you can be proud of. This was mine from yesterday.
I hope you all have a fantastic day. We are now up to chapter 7 in The Boy in the Dress so look out for that this morning.
We'd also love to hear about the helpful things, good deeds for the day, learning new skills that you have been up to. Keep in touch.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant