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Good morning 5RT
26 Mar 2020
Good morning everyone,
Hope you are well and ready for ANOTHER day of sunshine. I can't believe it's been nearly a week already since I've seen you all. I have been missing you each day but really happy so many of you have been on here regularly so we can chat and share how we are and what we are doing.
Look out for a special guest in today's reading. We will be reading the second chapter from the Boy in the Dress. Has anyone listened to the 11am David Walliams stories? Has anyone been doing the Joe Wicks PE lessons - I found them hard work!!!
Here are a couple of other links to websites that offer fun activities. A thinking one (P4C) and a drawing one (really cool with lots of drawings and you can 'Draw with Rob').
Have a great day,
Mr Tromans and Mrs Grant