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Big Write Winners for September

07 Oct 2015

Here are our amazing Big Write Winners for September!

                                                                                                             No-Man’s Land
 Dear Mother,
I am sorry I can only talk to you by letter but, anyway, I have been worried sick about you all, especially John.  There’s a whole mountain of questions I want to ask, like: How are you? Is everything going well? Have you all managed to survive the monstrous news?  Please reply.  I need to know.
Ok.  I’ll tell you a bit about the war.  Yeah, it’s not actually that great.  It’s just I’ve got a few friends but, apart from that, all that’s happening is DEATH,  DEATH, DEATH!  It’s horrible.  So that’s why I’m going to do a crazy plan.  I thought of calling it ‘Operation Get Back Home’.  Basically, I’ll head to the channel, go across it and get back home.  Just hope no Germans find me.
Anyway, I should tell you about my friends.  My best one’s called Gordon.  He’s really nice.  He’s always sticking up for me when I’m in danger.  Oh, I do hope he survives but I’m not so sure he will.  When I’m in trouble he’s always there.  He’s such a nice guy.  I’ll ask him if he wants to come with me.  I hope he says yes.
I hope I see you again and the rest of the family.
I’m sorry if I don’t.
I really am.
Lots of love,
Your wonderful son


                                                                                                                Trenches Path
                                                                                                                 France  7354
 Dearest Mother,
I am writing to you to say that my men and I are about to embark on a dangerous mission.  Since our sergeant told us I’m feeling extremely scared.
I have been sleeping in horrible, muddy trenches and my mattress is made entirely out of mud.  The only thing I have to keep me warm is my duvet and that isn’t enough.  Each day that I sleep I’m thinking of you.  Meanwhile I hear cries of agony while I’m sleeping.
We’re going to embark now, very soon.  I was feeling horrified but I have to do this although there is a risk I might die …
We were a few miles away from the German Territory when they spotted us.  They then threw a bomb which looked like a diamond.  Once it struck, men fell down helter-skelter.  My chin struck the muddy ground.  I fell into no-man’s land with a couple of other friends. 
My uniform was covered up in blood, really bloody.  The German soldiers came with bayonets and would strike anyone who was alive.  One of the soldiers, called Ernie, came.  He said, “My pocket” constantly.  Once the German soldier came near.  I slipped my hand over his mouth and the bayonet flashed down and hit him.
Mother, please tell me how my little brother, John, is doing and how the family is going.
I will be okay.
From your dearest son,
Lieutenant Shepherd


                                                                                                        9th December, 1914
I was wrong.  In every way. Every one. 
I thought war was exciting but I didn’t realise just what it was really like.
I thought that when I returned home, they would call me the person who saved our beloved country.  The hero even.  But it didn’t happen, not even close. 
I escaped from war a few days ago.  I’m happy that I’ve left the bombing and dying, the battering and the bruising.
                                                                                                      10th December, 1914

I’m living in the woods and that’s why my only company is my blanket.  It’s sometimes very cold here, so my blanket keeps me warm even though it smells of dust and earth.  For the entire five weeks I’ve been here, not one person has set foot in the middle of the woods.   I have biscuits and dew from the wet grass, but I’m still paralysed.  I hope someone finds me, I really do.
                                                                                                        12th December, 1914
Two young girls named Marcelle and Coco have found me.  Marcelle is the oldest and Coco is the youngest, though her real name is Therese.  They are ever so kind and after school they are going to give me bread and jam and Cognac or wine.  But I don’t want anyone else to know, not just yet.   
I used to be depressed but I’m happy now.


One morning I woke up.  I couldn’t see a thing.  All I could see was mist.  I walked and walked and walked even though I wasn’t able to see a thing.  When I walked and walked and walked I ran into something.  Wondering what it was, I felt some leaves, then some wood so I realised it was a tree.  I lay beside it, trying to sleep and thinking I was in a dream even though I knew for a fact I wasn’t
I thought that if I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, the mist would be gone.  So I tried to sleep but all I could hear was the sounds of people getting killed and dying and the time my best friend, Robert, died. 
There were memories of things and people I would never forget.
Robert and I were always a good team.  All my memories about Robert were crashing into my head, making me cry and cry.  While I was remembering Robert, I became sleepy, very sleepy, so I instantly fell asleep.
When I woke up I moved around and I felt more trees, then I realised I was in a forest.  As I was moving around, I heard things.  I heard footsteps ...


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