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5HS Big Write for October
02 Nov 2014
5HS have been learning how to write a non-chronological report.
We used our visit to The British Museum as a starting point f
or brain-storming ideas of what people can do at the museum.
We then went on-line to The British Museum website
to research and explore other areas
f the museum that interested us and made notes.
After that we planned our report, linking similar ideas together
in paragraphs or sections.
When we wrote our reports we tried to include
as many of these features as possible:
Features of non-chronological reports
- headings
- present tense
- third person
- facts not opinions
- paragraphs
- bullet points
- technical language
- questions in the title or headings
- a picture with a caption
- the passive voice
- colons, semi-colons and dashes.
For our Big Write in October, we wrote our Non-Chronological Reports.
Congratulations to our winners!
British Museum by Eren 
This report is about the British Museum. It has everything you can see.
What you can see at the British Museum
At the British Museum you can see: mummies, Anglo-Saxon artefacts, Roman treasure, animals from a long time ago and more.
Roman Treasure
People buried their treasure because there were no banks. Some of the treasure has been discovered, some had not been discovered for years. The treasures were mostly gold and silver with some bronze. Roman treasure was worth a lot of money. Roman treasure was like gold, heavy necklaces and gold and silver jewellery. Broaches are a lot of money.
Roman treasure: dagger and necklace
Roman Gods
The Romans worshipped many Gods and Goddesses. The Gods were not responsible for looking after the humans. The Gods only cared about the humans when it suited them.
Do you want to go to the British Museum?
I have been to the British Museum twice. How many times have you been to the British Museum?
You should go down to the British Museum. It's great!
The British Museum for Children by Olivia
The British Museum has lots of hidden secrets inside waiting to be found by you. This report is about the British Museum.
The British Museum
This amazing place is in London on Great Russel Street. The style is Greek. It's a great, white building, with a grand hallway and entrance, with a royal staircase leading to the upstairs. Inside there is an amazing glass roof so you can see the sky.
Fab Food
At the museum there are lots and lots of activities, including FOOD! You can make chocolaty Chocolate Puffs, amazing Guacamole and slimy Greek porridge. (I prefer Greek yoghurt.)
Events and Exhibitions:
- 50 years that changed China: Find out the mysteries of China.
- Germany: A 600 year old history in objects.
- Eygptians: Ancient lives, new discovery.
- Talk like an Egyptian.
- Make a hopscotch horse.
- Chinese adventure
and lots more.
People love events and exhibitions, so they go crazy making them for you to enjoy at the museum.
Rockets (only toys) are amazing because the old-fashioned children would have played with them. There are toys that are over 3000 years old - that's older than your Great, Great, Great Grandparents!
Hanover is an area of northern Germany. It was ruled over by the Dukes of Hanover who lived in the Grand Palace.
The British Museum is a great place for children because it is educational, beautiful and enjoyable.
The British Museum by Felix
This report is about The British Museum. The British Museum is good for young and old people and has every single fact about Britain. They also do films and competitions.
The Museum
Most masks are used for decoration but some people wore them. They all look different. Some are scary, some are happy and some are sad. Some are square, round and some are rectangle.
Did you know that some people could tell the time without a watch? The British Museum have some of the most beautiful watches and clocks in the world. Some even have Roman numbers on them. (You can go to the museum to find out more.)
The Saxons liked to fight but some liked to settle. At the museum you can see Anglo-Saxon swords, plates, tools, jewellery and more.
Please come to the museum. They have more things to see and if you do go, I hope you enjoy it.
The British Museum for Kids by Ava
The subject of this report is The British Museum. It is interesting because it has lots of events to look at like Food, Inside a Mummy, All about Hanoverians and Money. You will be hearing about lots of them in this report.
Family Events
Night at the Museum
It is being held on Saturday 18th October. It's rating is PG. If you take the mile trail then you could win a trip to LA! The more you visit the museum, the more chances you have to win amazing prizes.
Talk like an Egyptian
It is being held from 11:00 to 16:00 on Saturday 18th October. It's rating is 7+. It is in the Samsung Centre, Digital workshop.
All about ...
Animal Mummies
The Ancient Egyptians are known for
preserving the bodies of dead people. This is
called Mummification. They did this to many
animals as well. The Egyptians linked many
Gods and Goddesses with their own special
An animal mummy.
See if you can tell what animal it is.
Sculpture of William Shakespeare
A man named Garrick modelled for this sculpture himself.
He was so delighted with the finished result that he paid
£315 for it.
Did you know that you can even make food at the museum?
Guacamole, Chocolate Puffs, Greek porridge and salty chessmen.
(You can also colour a Buddha statue and make a dagger - a type of knife.)
Over the years people have paid with credit cards and notes. Money can be anything: Barley, cloth, silver, lumps of gold, feathers and shells.
The Hanoverians
These Kings and Queens ruled Britain for nearly 200 years.
Queen Elizabeth the II is the great, great granddaughter of the last Hanoverian monarch, Queen Victoria. Queen Anne died with no surviving children. Duke George Hanover unexpectedly became King of Great Britain.
The most fascinating fact about the museum is the mummies. Many people like them because they are SPOOKY!
A mummified man!