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Welcome back 3RT
04 Sep 2014
Welcome back.
We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and we look forward to hearing more about it tomorrow.
It has been great getting to know the children today and we will be continuing to do so tomorrow and during the first week. Once the children have settled into their new environment we will begin giving out the home reading books and sending homework home. Homework will ususally be handed out on a Friday and expected back in on a Wednesday. We will have a spelling and a maths challenge every Friday afternoon. P.E will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday morning for our class, so please remember your P.E kits, especially on these days.
If you have any further questions or queries hopefully they will be answered in the newsletter. Otherwise please feel free to ask either of us.
I think it is going to be a wonderful year for all involved which we are both very much looking forward to.
Mr Tromans and Mrs Bogle.