Homework in Year 2
16 Nov 2020
Homework is important as it helps your child to practise the skills they have learnt in school
Maths homework is set weekly. This term we will be setting homework on using the Numbots app/website
Your child's log in details is pasted on the inside of the back cover of his/her Home School Diary.
Spellings are set weekly. Children will receive a spelling worksheet to complete along with sentences. This sheet should be returned on the following
Spelling tests will take place every
Please follow the LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK method and encourage your child to practice writing their spellings during the week. Children will also be expected to write a sentence with the spelling word in it. This gives your child an opportunity to further embed their knowledge of the word as well as practising sentence structure and handwriting!
Each child will receive two reading books on a specific day each week. The reading diary must be signed by parents/carers with a comment and returned the following week so that new books can be issued
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension/Grammar will be set weekly from Autumn 2 and will alternate each week. A paper copy will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned on the following Thursday